Support Yvan's Fringe Adventure

In August, I'm off to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The world's largest performance arts festival in the world with more than 3000 shows being put on every single day!

I'll be there for the whole month, performing my new show: Tangled d'Illusions every day at 12:40 pm (3-28th of August). It's going to be a marathon of a month.


Average ticket prices/donations being around 2 euros, it'll also be a financial challenge. Balancing costs will be a magic show in itself. Any support would be extremely appreciated!


Make a donation

Make a donation

The easiest way to support me is to come to see the show. However, if you aren't in Edinburgh this summer but still want to support me, a donation of any amount would be a huge help!

Milestone 1: Equipment and Show Costs €1,200 
Reaching this milestone will help me cover the expenses for new equipment, including audio equipment, show props, set design props (€700), and registration fees (€500). It ensures that my show has the necessary resources and technical elements to captivate the audience.

Milestone 2: Marketing Costs €2,000 
This milestone focuses on covering the expenses related to marketing my show (€800), such as printing posters, flyers, and the assistance of individuals promoting my show. It will help me reach a wider audience and generate more ticket sales or donations.

Milestone 3: Living Costs €3,500 
This is a stretch goal. Reaching this milestone will assist in covering my living expenses during the month-long festival, including housing and food (€1,500).

Milestone 4: Break even €4,000+
At this milestone, I'm likely to make a profit. I'll donate 50% of it to two charities, as detailed below.

Here are a few things I'll commit to:
- I'll keep everyone up to date with behind-the-scenes glimpses and the progress of the show.
- At the end of the month, I'll try to send everyone a recording of the show. (This depends on how well I'm able to record the show).
- If by some stroke of luck, the show generates a profit, I'll be donating 50% of it to two deserving charities: Clown Without Borders and Clean Air Task Force.